You Tube Dog and Kids Funny

Is it even paw-sible to choose between these dog jokes? These will scratch your itch!

Perhaps the only thing kids love more than silly, corny jokes is dogs. Big dogs, small dogs, Yorkies, Newfies, retrievers—if it barks and lets you pet it, kids are generally all for it. What better way to entertain the kids, then, than with some great dog jokes for kids to crack them up?!

Maybe your corgi is doing something silly and you take a picture to make a dog meme. Or maybe they make a funny sound or look like a dog cartoon! The smiles that our dogs inspire show just how important a good chuckle can be.

You may be wondering howl you pick just one joke, but we don't think you have to limit yourself. Take as many dog puns and jokes as you want! These hilarious jokes will brighten up any ruff day.

Dog jokes for kids

1. What is a dog dentist's favorite tooth?

The canine.

2. What is a dog's favorite song to listen to after a bath?

"Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift.

3. Why should you be careful when you are petting dogs on the street?

You wouldn't want to rub the wrong stray!

4. Why do dogs howl at the night sky?

They are trying to communicate with the bark side of the moon.

5. What kind of dog is most like a cat?

A Purr-man Shepherd.

6. Why is a dog like a tree?

They both enjoy a good bark in the park.

7. Why was everyone shocked that I let my pup drive my car?

They had never seen a dog park before. You'll love these best knock knock jokes for kids too.

Puppy jokes for kids

8. What does a dog stay in when she goes camping?

A pup-up tent.

Pup Up Tent Dog Joke

9. Why do puppies leave trash everywhere they go?

They are part of a litter.

10. Why does my newborn dog never want to leave my side?

He's in puppy love!

11. What genre of music do young dogs like the best?

Pup music.

12. What do you call it when a puppy chases a squirrel into the wrong plant?

Barking up the wrong tree. If you like dog jokes, you'll find these wolf puns howlingly funny too.

Breed specific jokes

13. When it's raining cats and dogs, what do you risk stepping in?

A poodle.

Stepping In A Poodle Dog Joke, Getty Images

14. What do you say when two dogs have a crush on one another?

They caught the love pug.

15. How do dogs say goodbye?

Chow Chow!

16. Which dog breed has never done anything wrong?

Saint Bernard.

17. If they were to cast only dogs in movies, who would play Harry Potter?

Spaniel Radcliffe.

For more family fun, check out these hilarious food jokes for kids.

Spaniel Radclifffe Dog Joke, Getty Images

18. Which type of dog is also a lamb?


19. What do dog lovers wrap around themselves when it gets cold outside?

A nice warm Setter.

20. Why is my dog's back always sore?

He's a Mastiff. Here are 100 short jokes for kids that are easy to remember.

21. Which dog is the quietest?

The Alaskan Malamute.

22. What kind of dog does Santa Claus have?

An Elvish Setter.

23. What was the dog's job at the fancy hotel?

He was a Labra-doorman.

Labradorman Dog Joke, Getty Images

24. What is a witch's favorite breed of dog?

A Yorkshire Scarier.

25. What kind of dog should you use to help unlock a door?

An A-key-ta.

26. What do you call a dog that does yoga?

A Foldin' Retriever.

27. What kind of dog never throws anything away?

A Hoarder Collie. For more laughs, read these animal memes you can't help but laugh at.


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